Peru Hiking Trip
Coloardo Hiking Trip
Winter Wonderland
Blairstown, NJ
2/17 - 2/19
Snowshoe through the mountains of New Jersey. Hike to catfish tower. Cabin camp while enjoying the snow.
Intro to Tent Camping
Prince William, VA
3/10 - 3/11
Introductory camping trip for those who are new to tent camping. Learn your needs with fellow beginners.
Misty Mountains
Danbury, NC
4/14 - 4/16
We are heading down South for a camping and hiking weekend adventure in the North Carolina Mountains.
Camping in Shenandoah
Blue Ridge, Virginia
8/4 - 8/5
Join us for an overnight camping and hiking adventure in the beautiful Shenandoah Mountains as we celebrate The Great American Outdoor Day which provides free admission into Shenandoah National Park.
Mountain West Exploring
This 5 day 4 night adventure takes us through the lower portion of Utah. We will explore 2 National Parks and participate on a local dinner cruise.