Frequently Asked Questions

Why is there a cost for hikes?
Destination Hike LLC, is a business that provides guided local hikes, organized camping events, cross country and international travel trips, and so much more. As an organized hiking business, we charge fees for our hikes to cover website fees, marketing fees, incidentals, and more. When purchasing tickets for a hike, please note that "All sales are final." If there is severe inclement weather, hikes will be rescheduled for a later date.
Do I have to be a member to attend local hikes or travel trips?
You do not have to be a member to attend any Destination Hike event. Membership provides discounts for local and travel hikes and camping within a calendar year. Membership options vary based on the planned activities for the year. You can purchase membership specifically for local hikes only, for travel trips only, or for both.
The benefit of purchasing a membership is to apply a discount to the activities associated with the membership. If you are someone who attends multiple hikes throughout the year, this is something you will want to consider if you are interested.
Why are the exact locations for hikes not listed on the website when registering? And where do I get that information?
Exact locations for local hikes are provided specifically for those who register. This is done to ensure that those who have paid and registered are those who come to the location. (See above "Why is there a cost for hikes" for more information). Exact location is also only provided to those who register as a safety precaution. General information such as city, state, or park name is provided in registration information.
When registering for local hikes, you will receive an email 1 week prior to the hike date from info@destinationhike.com with all the necessary information.
Travel trips will identify the state, and indicate if local or national parks will be visited, however, the details of exact trails at parks, arrival time, and more specific information will only be provided to those who register for the trips.
Why do I have to agree to the terms in the waiver?
Hiking is a fun outdoor activity that many people love to enjoy through all weather. Hiking also is inherently dangerous, meaning there is a potential at any time for someone on a hike to fall, roll an ankle, get poison ivy, suffer from heat stroke, get stung or bit by a nature, suffer from dehydration, animal attack, so on and so forth. We do our best to find locations where the potential for danger is at a minimum however it is never zero. Agreeing to the waiver ensures that you understand the inherent risks of hiking and enter into the led group hiking space aware of any potential issues. Additionally, drug or alcohol use is NOT permitted on any Destination Hike event or activity.
What happens if I can't keep up on a hike.
Each hike will have an indication of the level of hike (Easy, Moderate, or Hard), the distance in mileage of the trail, and the elevation. When registering for a hike, please make sure to self asses if you can do a 3-mile easy hike, or 6-mile moderate hike, etc. It is important to note that hiking trails are fundamentally different than walking on asphalt or sidewalk.